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Wednesday, March 2

23-year-old Woman Drinks Herself to Death After Mixing Wine, Gin and Vodka with Cocaine (Photos)

23-year-old Woman Drinks Herself to Death After Mixing Wine, Gin and Vodka with Cocaine (Photos)

Sinead Lowry died after  mixing Wine, Gin and Vodka with Cocaine

A woman has tried a dangerous drinking stunt that landed her in the hospital morgue after she mixed wine, gin, vodka and cocaine together.

A young mum has accidentally drank herself to death after mixing wine, gin and vodka along with cocaine and prescription drugs at her new boyfriend’s housewarming party.

According to reports, Sinead Lowry, 23, was on her second date with Daniel Birkett when she suffered organ failure after crashing out on a sofa.

Lowry was found unconscious and died an hour later. Hospital tests shows she was more than three times the limit.

Police had thought it was a murder, but a post mortem examination showed she had suffered no physical injures and there were no suspicious circumstances.

An inquest heard the party-loving mother of one had just begun been dating 26-year old Mr Birkett when he invited her to a party at his new home in Preston, Lancs.

Detective Chief Inspector Richard McCutcheon, who led the investigation into her death, told the Preston hearing: ‘Mr Birkett said he met Sinead the previous Wednesday.

‘Friday May 15 was the second time he met her and said that was a date.

‘He said about 5pm she came to his flat in a taxi which he paid for and said she had with her a key from the Wednesday before.

‘She brought with her a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of wine and when they finished that they went to Bargain Booze and bought a bottle of gin.

‘He stated that he arranged for a friend to visit his address to see his new house as he had recently moved in. His friend did come to the address but came with four other men. Daniel Birkett and Sinead met the friend at the Bargain Booze to direct them to the address and he said they brought beer, pizza and drugs to his house.

‘He was in Sinead’s company throughout the evening and was aware she was taking drugs.

‘He said they were not forced on her and she took a line of cocaine which was brought by one of the males. She also took her own prescription drugs.’

McCutcheon added: ‘He was adamant that no money was exchanged for the drugs. At some stage he said the males left and he and Sinead fell asleep on the sofa. He woke and found her slumped next to him and realised she was not breathing.

‘Text messages were sent between Sinead and her sister. Analysis of those showed that Sinead and Daniel Birkett were getting on well with each other and there were no issues between them. She told her sister she was having a party at the flat and she was asking her to come to the party.

‘The texts also show that she was drinking a lot and willingly taking drugs. That’s my analysis and interpretation of them.’

According to a report by Forensic pathologist Dr Brian Rodgers, Miss Lowry had 288 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit for driving is 80mg. He also found traces of cocaine in her system along with diazepam she used for panic attacks and two other prescription drugs.

Dr Rodgers added: ‘None of these drugs are present in high levels and none are at fatal levels on their own – but when you combine them all, the effects are much worse and alcohol has that effect as well. Unfortunately their combined effect has led to her death. She would have slipped very peacefully away.’

The coroner Dr James Adeley concluded that Miss Lowry’s death was down to respiratory failure caused by ‘acute alcohol toxicity’ followed by intake of drugs.

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