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Sunday, January 8

Only God could have done this! Robbers slashed my tummy into two when I was 8 months pregnant


For the newbies, the every Sunday KFB Only God Could Have Done This series, is an inspirational column that lets readers send in their testimonies of how God has been faithful to restore and rekindle hope in others. 
You can keep up with the other volumes you have missed (HERE) and also send in your testimonies via
Lord , my life is in Your hand as it has always been.

Miss Kemi Filani, kindly publish this testimony of mine for your readers....
I passed through the shadow of death and feared  no evil because l clung to His, God's Word.
I was in the  RCCG Conversion of 2015, where Daddy  G.O called out and prayed for  all the pregnant women and the babies in the womb that none of them would die.
I thank God that I was there. The event that followed showed that it was because of me the prayer was made.
When my pregnancy was between  7th &   8 th months, I traveled down to Lagos.
At a point near the. Camp, armed robbers  stopped our vehicle, searched every one.
My bag was collected  and nothing much was found in it, so they asked me for money. I told them I had no money on me.
But one of them used the  butts of the gun he was carrying to hit me hard in my stomach.
This slashed my stomach into two and blood came gushing out.
Uh, my being alive to tell the story means that my God, the God of the universe  is the Almighty . HE alone can kill and can make alive..
I was rushed to the hospital and my husband called.
I was left at the emergency room and left to be watched whether the baby and / or I would survive it.
Many things happened. But I remembered the prayer of Baba Adeboye .
I therefore lay my hand on my stomach and declared that I......( mentioning my name ) and the baby in me would not die.
I bless the  Lord for He was gracious to me and heard me.
Today, Ian alive ,hale and sound with the baby

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