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Tuesday, March 15

37-year-old Man Poses Online as 18-year-old Girl to Entice a Boy Into Sending Him N*de Photos

37-year-old Man Poses Online as 18-year-old Girl to Entice a Boy Into Sending Him N*de Photos

Robert Sharpe

A man has been made to pay after he deceived an unsuspecting boy online into sending him n*de images by posing as a young girl online.

The man who obviously had ‘perverted impulses’ posed as a young woman to entice a schoolboy to send indecent images of himself, a Daily Mail report shows.

Identified as Robert Sharpe, 37, of Hull, East Yorkshire, the man pretended to be an 18-year-old woman called Annabelle to have a ‘sexual chat’ with the boy who then sent a nude picture of himself.

Sharpe also chatted with a 13-year-old girl, who told him her age, before sending her a naked picture of himself - and asked if ‘she liked his hairy chest’.

But the pervert, described as a ‘pitiful individual’ by a judge at Hull Crown Court, avoided jail and was sentenced only to a three-year community order and rehabilitation for sex offenders.

Sharp’s offending came to light after intelligence was passed to police that said his email address had been used to download a Category A indecent image - classed as the most serious.

His home was then raided and his computer was seized where 15 indecent images were said to be in his possession - despite only four being accessible at that point. Sharp’s computer also revealed search terms displaying his sexual interest in children.

He was charged to court.

John Thackray, prosecuting, said of the 13-year-old girl: ‘At one point she called him a paedophile.’

Charlotte Baines, defending, told the court that Sharpe was a man of previous good character. She said: ‘The most important and powerful pieces of mitigation are of course the defendant’s early pleas to these matters and, secondly, the fact he is a man of previous good character.

‘But, of course, he has put his liberty in jeopardy by the commission of these offences.’

Judge Jeremy Richardson QC told how it was tempting to send Sharpe straight to prison - but, because of the length of sentence, he would receive little supervision on his release and there would be less risk of him reoffending if he got help to address his ‘perverted impulses’.

Along with the community order, Sharpe was sentenced to attend a group programme for sex offenders and undergo up to 60 days of rehabilitation.

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