JAY Z's label, Roc Nation, is said to have filed a countersuit against British singer Rita Ora, after she filed against them late last year. The original action, filed by Ora, asked that she be freed from her contract after changes at the company left her "orphaned" as an artist and without career support. The countersuit claims that Ora has failed to honour her contract with the label, which required her to deliver five albums over a period that she has made only one.
"Roc Nation has tirelessly promoted her career, investing millions of dollars in marketing, recording and other costs, which was instrumental in guiding Ms Ora to her current level of success and fame," legal documents state, Page Six reports.
But all is not lost, it seems, and the twosome - who have had a friendly relationship since she signed in 2008 - could get back on track if legal discussions end positively.
"Jay Z has personally and graciously promised Rita complete freedom from Roc Nation, the details of which are now being finalised," Ora's attorney, Howard King, told Page Six. "We believe that Roc Nation's distributor, Sony Music, has required Roc Nation to file this action to preserve whatever rights Sony might have pending resolution."
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