Ik Ogbonna just wrote an interesting piece. He calls it the 5 kinds of true love every one feels. According to him, true love only exists in 5 departments. Agree? Well I think I've truly loved in more scenarios like this, e.g. the love for one's parent. Or love for blogging (true love)..
Anyway, read his opinion and decide if these are the only situations where one can feel true love.
"I just discovered that man can only experience true love in not more than 5 departments;
#1: love of God , u feel so in love with God sometimes u want to cry
#2: love for ur child , that's a feeling u can't explain
#3: The Love for Food , look at Ik smiling omg coz food is barely 1 min away
#4: Love for money , u think u don't love it but deep down u love that b****t
#5: Not everyone can really experience this, a lot of ppl pass tru life thinking they experienced it but never truly did, it's so sweet and you can't help it. It's called true love for ur soulmate. While typing I realized Sex is another extreme level of love, but I didn't add it to the 5 coz on the real when u have sex with someone u don't love u feel hate immediately after u climax. Ok bye"
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