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Tuesday, February 9

Depraved Mum Placed Sick Adverts Online Inviting Men To Rape Her Six – Year – Old Daughter Guilty Of Sex Crimes

Depraved Mum Placed Sick Adverts Online Inviting Men To Rape Her Six – Year – Old Daughter Guilty Of Sex Crimes

Some women are gradually becoming as daring as the men in evil and infact, they just might be getting worse. How then do you explain what a perverted soul did to her own her six-year-old daughter?

It’s understood that the mum placed a a series of online adverts inviting men to rape her own daughter while she looked on in satisfaction.

The woman, 35, trawled the web to find perverts who would pay to come to her home and abuse her child. Officers found explicit photographs and video footage of a man sexually assaulting the girl while the mother looked on in her house.

 The pervert mum has now been found guilty of more than a dozen sex crimes including child rape and child molestation by a jury in Washington, US.

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