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Tuesday, May 16

Couple To Sell Everything To Go On A Trip Around The World & Here's Why

Couple are set to sell everything to take their children on a round the world trip and say they won’t stop travelling until they find the perfect country to live in. In order to fund the extravagant voyage Clare and Ian are selling everything from their car to handbags to get a fresh start on the road around the globe.

Clare, mother to daughter Maddison, three and son Kallan, five said: 'After the death of a family member and a close friend we just looked at each other one day and said: 'Why don't we just do it?'

She added: 'I would like to do the whole world and there is no definite plan on when we come back. The chances are we will settle in the place we love the most.' Clare, who is a business coach, and Ian, who works for a media company, are saving every penny they can and have started selling belongings, everything from a car to handbags, to generate as much money as possible.

But if the money runs out during the trip, they will have to find work. The pair are investing in video and camera equipment so they can chronicle their adventure and share the stories via their own YouTube channel and Instagram and Facebook accounts.

'I work from home anyway so I could potentially still be earning from that as we travel and if people start to tune into watching us we might start to build something from that,' said Clare.

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