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Tuesday, February 2

DenimYou won't believe what the 'tiny pocket' on jeans is really for!

DenimYou won't believe what the 'tiny pocket' on jeans is really for!

Everyone owns a pair of denim in different styles but almost everyone has no idea what the (inner) tiny pocket that comes with it is for!

Jeans have tiny pocket nested (usually) above a bigger one is so small it can only fit a finger or two just a little half way!

The pocket nested (usually) above a bigger one is so small it can only fit a finger or two just a little half way!

It doesn't/actually can't function as a real pocket because it's unusually tiny and it's usually lodged in a 'real pocket' (slightly up on the real pocket).

But then this confusing 'pocket' is actually a pocket designed way back for cowboys to keep their watches (remember jeans were designed initially for cowboys?) safe as far back as the 1800's!

DenimYou won't believe what the 'tiny pocket' on jeans is really for!

Next Jeans
Even top denim brand; Levi Strauss cleared it up via their website, the tiny pocket they revealed is "Originally included as protection for pocket watches, thus the name, this extra pouch has served many functions, evident in its many titles: frontier pocket, condom pocket, coin pocket, match pocket, and ticket pocket, to name a few."

DenimYou won't believe what the 'tiny pocket' on jeans is really for!

The pocket nested (usually) above a bigger one is so small it can only fit a finger or two just a little half way!

So there you go. The next time you wear that pair of jeans with the 'tiny pocket' remember to get creative with it.

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