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Wednesday, February 24

Air Force Officer Armed With His Gun Pictured Reading Bible on Duty (Photos)

Air Force Officer Armed With His Gun Pictured Reading Bible on Duty (Photos)

Freeman Ogele reading the bible on duty

A Nigerian military officer has displayed his strong hold of christian faith as he reads the holy book to grow in knowledge.

Freeman Ogele is an officer with the Nigerian Air Force. In January 2016, the Bayelsa-born officer was honoured with the General Service Medal.

A devout Christian, Freeman Ogele is pictured below fully-dressed in his military regalia, complemented with his Bible.

According to him,"I am not scared to confront the bullet, Yes sir. But I am very scared of living sinfully. With a bullet worn, you can still  make heaven, but with a stain of sin you will end in hell!!! That is why , I will study, scratch, hunt, dig deep in to the word, that contains authority to overcome sexual lust , drunkenness, lies, bitterness, evil thought, greed and all forms of abominable characters. So help me God, Amen."

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