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Sunday, January 31

Chris Brown’s Baby Mama Nia Guzman, Claims The Singer Gave Their Kid Asthma With His Weed

Chris Brown’s Baby Mama Nia Guzman, Claims The Singer Gave Their Kid Asthma With His Weed

Nia Guzman is in a pissed off mood right now. Why? She claims Chris Brown has used his igbo (weed) to give their daughter asthma and its made the child sick. She also feels the singer is a bad influence on their daughter, Royalty.

According to Nia, 1-year-old Royalty has developed asthma, and she says it’s all because Chris has exposed her to an extreme amount of secondhand smoke. Brown is a weed and tobacco enthusiast. She further disclosed that whenever Royalty comes back from a visit with Chris she usually reeks of smoke.

It’s also learnt that Nia also claims in legal docs, that she’s worried Chris Brown is abusing drugs and has relapsed … especially with sizzurp. Nia Guzman now wants to restrict Chris’ visitation … asking the judge to force him to hire a full-time nanny or pull back on his right to be around the child.

And now the big one, Guzman wants more child support … she’s getting $2,500 a month but wants it upped to nearly $ 16k a month.

LOL! It’s all about the money!! Atleast thats what I feel personally, that is. Only a thief would demand such rise in child support. Don’t get me wrong ooh! No amount is too much to spend on your child/children ooh! What i’m just trying to say is only a thief, a liar and a lazy layabout would demand for such rise in child support and still want restrictions on the dad from seeing the child.

And erm.. I haven’t called names! Haha

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