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Wednesday, November 16

Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, is leading her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, with 947,579 popular vote, as the US continues counting of results, a week after the election.

Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, is leading her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, with 947,579 popular vote, as the US continues counting of results, a week after the election.

Hillary Clinton leading with 947,579 in popular vote and the US is still counting

According to AP, Clinton had 61,782,016 votes, while Trump, the president-elect had 60,834,437 votes as at 1:19pm (Nigerian time) on Wednesday.

Clinton won the popular and electoral college votes in 21 states, with Michigan yet to be called for any candidate, while Trump led in 29 states, and is leading in Michigan with a few thousand votes.

In a Democracy like Nigeria, and many others across the world, Clinton would have been declared winner with her lead in the simple vote, but the US has a more complex system.

In the US system, it is not enough to win the popular vote, the winner is called by the number of electoral college votes won. Trump has 290 electoral college votes, while Clinton has only 232.

Only 270 votes are needed to win the election.

Trump says he would have still  won the election, if the electoral college system was not in place, stating that he would have campaigned differently.

“I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily,” the president-elect said on Twitter.

Both candidates condemned the electoral college system before the elections, as many Americans still do after the elections.

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