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Monday, September 12

Shocker!!! Head of Russia's Anti-corruption Agency Found with Stacks of $122m Cash in His House (Photos)

Shocker! Head of Russia's Anti-corruption Agency Found with Stacks of $122m Cash in His House (Photos)

The acting head of Russia's anti-corruption agency has been caught with a whooping $122 million in cash in his home, Russian media has reported.

The total amount of money seized is yet to be confirmed exactly, but is believed to be around $122million

The home of Dmitry Zakharchenko, the Russian deputy head of the Energy Industry Department of the General Administration of Economic Security and Combating Corruption, was raided by the police and a whooping $122million stacks of potentially dirty money was found and seized.

According to a shocking report by Dailymail, the acting head of Russia's anti-corruption agency, who allegedly refused to comment on the huge sum of money or its origin, was arrested on suspicion of abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and accepting bribes.

He is pleading not guilty.

Shocker! Head of Russia's Anti-corruption Agency Found with Stacks of $122m Cash in His House (Photos)

There was reportedly so much cash that investigators had to actually stop and find boxes big enough to but it all in.

Speaking to a Russian media outlet RIA Novosti, a source said: 'The final amount is unknown. [Police] confiscated a cache only in [Zakharchenko's] house; it is not yet known how many more assets [he has], but we are working in this direction.'

There was reportedly so much cash that investigators had to actually stop and find boxes big enough to but it all in.

His lawyer, Yury Novikov, said: 'We are asking about two alternative measures: home arrest or 70 million rubles ($1 million) bail.'

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